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Foreign Influence Information
Student Organizations are expected to comply with all local, state, and federal laws regarding foreign influence via financial or general support.
Does (or has) your student organization receive money or other support from an entity (like a company or university) or individual (who is not an Illinois student) based outside the United States?
Does your student organization plan to interact (email, speak to on a telephone or video call, meet in person) with an entity or individual (who is not an Illinois student) based outside of the United States within the next twelve (12) months?
Has your student organization interacted (emailed, spoken to on a telephone or video call, met in person) with an entity or individual (who is not an Illinois student) based outside of the United States within the last twelve (12) months?
Does your student organization plan to host any foreign visitors on campus in the next twelve (12) months?
List of entities available upon request
Copyright © 2023 - 2025 Illini Electric Motorsports. All rights reserved. Illini Electric Motorsports refers to the University of Illinois Registered Student Organization Illini Electric Motorsports or an Illini Electric Motorsports subteam. Please see for further details.
Information on this site is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional advice or consultation and is provided for entertainment purposes only. Consult a professional before attempting.